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This set of ink is great; my spouse and son have been developing some amateur tattoo skills at home. They wanted to add some color because they were sick of black, and everything in this set has a ton of bright colors to choose from.There are fourteen vibrantly colored tattoo ink bottles in this package. When the skin has healed enough to be visible, the ink appears to be of lovely quality and color and looks fantastic. Since they are going to be in contact with your skin, I appreciate that they are packaged in plastic to reduce the possibility of contamination.The ink appears to be mild on the skin and does not produce any irritation. The pigment penetrates easily into the skin, the color appears rapidly, and I'm hoping it won't fade too much over time. Each bottle has a top to keep the contents sealed and fresh until you need them again. We're pleased with the ink for the time being because it's reasonably priced, performs admirably, and looks great.
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