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I do a bit of tattoo art as a hobby using the rotary pen, and until now, I have been confined to a wire and not liking it too much. I went looking for upgrades, where I found this nice kit and decided to give it a try. I was not disappointed; this one is really nice. First off, I really like these pens. I have been using it wired for a while, and these battery packs make this the best pen I have ever used. It is lite, very comfortable to hold, with no wire, and I love the freedom a lot. The batteries also last for a long time, and I really like the battery indicator to know ahead of time, if they need to be charged or not. The needles pop in easily, I can actually do it with one hand, and it is just the best to use. Secondly, I really like how comfortable these are to use. The pen may seem fat, but after using it, it is actually very comfortable to hold, and the grooves make it much easier to control too. Lastly, I really like the whole kit. It comes with two batteries which are essential, and a nice amount of needles, too, enough to know these are really nice needles and work great. The case is a very high-grade, impact-resistant type case, and it holds everything that I need for on-the-go perfectly too. No cons, it really worked out great for me, and I am very happy with the purchase.
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